werc is described as “a minimalist web anti-framework built following the Unix and Plan 9 tool philosophy of software design.” I choose werc for many of the web projects I deal with for its simplicity and low resource requirements. Recently, a colleague asked for a bit of help getting it set up on his own server. I told him it was stupid simple and he should be able to figure it out on his own. The more I thought about it, the more I wondered just how simple it really was.
I started with a netinstall of Debian stable (5.0.7 as of this writing). I booted the machine and went to work installing the tools neccessary to get werc up and running. In five minutes I had lighttpd installed and configured to use werc.rc as CGI serving up HTML.
I have provided the relevant portion of my shell history file, a diff of my lighttpd.conf and the output of uptime when I was done for reference.
Although it seems a bit excessive, I am going to lay this out step by step anyway. I implore you to do all the relevant research and read all the relevant documentation pertaining to werc itself, Plan 9 from User Space, the rc shell, and markdown.
Acquire software
I am using Debian so I grab lighttpd
and build-essential
with the aptitude package manager. I chose lighttpd
as my web server, but werc should work with any web server that supports the CGI interface. Some sample configuration files are provided in the werc docs. build-essential
is a package in Debian that includes the main tools neccessary for compiling code on Debian. We basically just need GNU make to build Plan 9 [mk(1)](http://man.cat-v.org/plan_9/1/mk)
$ aptitude install lighttpd build-essential
$ curl http://dl.suckless.org/tools/9base-6.tar.gz | tar xzf
$ curl http://hg.cat-v.org/werc/archive/tip.tar.bz2 | tar xjf
Build p9p
Next I build Plan 9 from User Space (shortened p9p or plan9port). Actually, I’m using 9base as a minimalist replacement for the full blown p9p. As previously mentioned, make builds [mk(1)](http://man.cat-v.org/plan_9/1/mk)
which is then used to build the rest of p9p.
$ cd 9base-6 && make install clean
Move files/folders into place
A beautiful thing about werc is that it deals solely with flat files and directories. This makes it painless to set up, manage and configure.
$ mv ../werc-bec1802070f8/ /var/www/werc
$ cp -r /var/www/werc/sites/default.cat-v.org /var/www/werc/sites/your.domain.com
$ echo '# Hello World!' > /var/www/werc/sites/your.domain.com/index.md
Configure web server
I have chosen lighttpd as my web server because it is fairly simple and light. This is obviously debatable and you should follow the docs when configuring your own. Here is the diff of my current config against the one provided by the Debian package.
< "mod_cgi",
< $HTTP["host"] =~ "^your\.domain\.com$" {
< index-file.names = ( )
< server.error-handler-404 = "/werc.rc"
< alias.url += ( "/werc.rc" => "/var/www/werc/bin/werc.rc" ) # Here use the path to werc.rc in your system.
< cgi.assign += ( ".rc" => "")
< server.dir-listing = "disable"
< }
As you can see by this excerpt of my history file and the output of uptime, the whole installation was no more than 11 commands and took only five minutes. Someone (hopefully jokingly) proposed that it be made into a script or Debian package. In my opinion, this would be counter productive. The process is painfully easy and I think folks should know what they are doing rather than blindly downloading some script and then complaining in irc why it isn’t working perfectly for them. Still, I hope the information I have provided on this page is helpful.